- "A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes".wmv
- "Fingerprints"
- "The Story of Isaac".wmv
- A singer must die
- A Street (Audio)
- A Thousand Kisses Deep (Audio)
- Ain't No Cure for Love
- Alexandra Leaving
- Almost Like the Blues (Audio)
- Always
- Amen (Audio)
- Anthem
- Anyhow
- Avalanche
- Ballad of the Absent Mare
- Banjo (Audio )
- Be For Real by
- Because Of
- Bird on the Wire
- Bird on the wire L. Cohen (revised 2009)
- Blessed Is The Memory
- Book of Mercy
- Born in Chains (Audio)
- By The Rivers Dark (HQ)
- Came So Far For Beauty
- Chelsea Hotel#2
- Choices (Audio)
- Closing Time
- Come Healing
- Coming Back to You
- Conversation with the Absolute
- Crazy to Love You (Audio)
- Dance Me to the End of Love
- Darkness ( Audio)
- Dear Heather
- Death of a Ladies' Man
- Death of a Lady's Man
- Democracy
- Diamonds in the mine
- Did I Ever Love You (Lyric Video)
- Different Sides (Audio)
- Do I Have to Dance All Night (Live at the Casino Barrière De Montreux Switzerland 1976)
- Don't Go Home With Your Hardon
- Dress Rehearsal Rag
- Everybody Knows
- Famous Blue Raincoat
- Field Commander Cohen (Audio)
- First We Take Manhattan
- Go no more aroving Subtitulado
- Going home mp3 and lyrics from Old ideas 2012
- Got a Little Secret (Audio)
- Hallelujah
- Heart With No Companion
- Here It Is (Audio)
- Hey That's No Way to Say Goodbye (Audio)
- Humbled In Love (Lyrics)
- Hunter's Lullaby
- I Can't Forget (Audio)
- I Left A Woman Waiting
- I Tried to Leave You
- If I Didn't Have Your Love
- If It Be Your Will
- I'm Your Man
- improvisation (Paris 1972)
- In My Secret Life
- Intro "Let's renew ourselves now... " (Live at Isle Of Wight Festival UK)
- Intro to Poems (Live at Isle Of Wight Festival UK)
- Intro to So Long Marianne (Live at Isle Of Wight Festival UK)
- Introduction (Live in London)
- Iodine
- Is This What You Wanted W/Lyrics
- It Seemed the Better Way
- Joan of Arc (Audio)
- La Manic (Audio)
- Lady Midnight
- Last Year's Man (1971)
- Leaving Green Sleeves
- Leaving the Table
- Leibestraum
- Les Vieux
- Lifestyle
- Light as the Breeze (Audio)
- Love Calls You By Your Name
- Love Itself
- Lover Lover Lover (Audio)
- Lullaby
- Master Song
- Memories
- Minute Prologue
- MORNING GLORY Clip by Althea )0(
- My Oh My (Audio)
- Nancy (live)
- Never Any Good
- Never Gave Nobody Trouble
- Nevermind (Audio)
- Night Comes On (Audio)
- Nightingale
- Novelist Poet & Singer
- On That Day
- On the Level
- One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (from "Live At The Isle of Wight 1970")
- Our Lady of Solitude
- Paper Thin Hotel
- Passing Through
- Performing on Stage Again
- Please Don't Pass Me By
- Queen Victoria
- 's Jazz Police
- Samson in New Orleans (Audio)
- save the last Dance for me
- Seems so long ago Nancy 1969
- Show Me the Place
- Since You've Asked
- Sing another songboys
- Sisters of Mercy
- Slow (Audio)
- So Long Marianne
- Songwriters Hall of Fame
- Stages (Audio)
- Steer Your Way
- Store Room (1967)
- Stories of the Street
- String Reprise / Treaty
- Summer Evening Sky ( Tacoma Trailer)
- Suzanne (from "Live At The Isle of Wight 1970")
- Suzanne di meshigene (Suzanne) (arr. G. McLaughlin J. Wedman A. Nosky and F. Deak)
- Sweet Sixties
- 'Take This Longing'
- Take this waltz
- Teachers
- Tennessee Waltz
- That don't make it junk
- The Butcher
- The Captain (Studio Version)
- The Favourite Game
- The Future
- The Great Event
- The Guests
- The Gypsy's Wife Natalie Wood (HQ) + lyrics
- The Land of Plenty
- The Law
- The Letters
- The Old Revolution [ audio lyrics chords ]
- The Partisan Songs from the Road.wmv
- The Partisan (Audio)
- The Smokey Life With Lyrics ()
- The SpiceBox of Earth
- The Stranger Song
- The Traitor
- The Window
- There For You
- There is a War
- There's No Reason Why You Should Remember Me (Improvisation)
- They Locked Up a Man (Poem) / A Person Who Eats Meat / Intro (Live at Isle Of Wight Festival UK)
- Thousand Kisses Deep London 2009 לאונרד כהן לונדון
- Tonight Will Be Fine
- Tower of Song
- Traveling Light
- Treaty
- True love leaves no traces November 1977
- Uncanny Din A Rant
- Undertow
- Vaguely Apocolyptic
- Villanelle For Our Time
- Whither Thou Goest (Live in London)
- Who by Fire (Audio)
- Why Don't You Try
- Winter Lady_
- with Anjani FAITH
- You Got Me Singing (Audio)
- You Have Loved Enough
- You Know Who I Am
- You Want It Darker (Audio)